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Poser Parts Placement

I get alot of email on placement of poser parts. The big trick to parts placement in poser is to NOT use the mouse to move objects around directlly.

When you use the mouse to move objects, you lose the exactness that you need to make the parts align correctly. One person also asked why Meta

didn't put in 'snaps' so that you could snap one objects origin to another. This would work well in theory but in reality one models origin point might not be the

same as anothers and therefore you would get unpreditable results.

Let's run through placement of a wig on a poser figure and maybe we can make this somewhat tedious task a little easier to understand.

Begin my making a new figure, female in our example (note all dial in numbers are with a female figure, male figures will of course be slightly different).

ALWAYS apply your parts to the default pose, that is, before you do anything else, apply your parts. This as in bryce is very important. Working at the 'world

center' insures that your parts will align properly with less manipulation.

Go to file, import, and select your file type to import. Poser's native format is OBJ but you can also import 3DS (my favorite).

The following box will open.........

posplace1.JPG (22738 bytes)

Depending on your model, it may or may not be sized correctly, and it's rotation may not be correct. For this tutorial we'll assume that the model imports at the

right size and rotation. Make sure 'centered' and 'place on floor' are both checked and that percent and offset are both unchecked.

posplace2.JPG (34911 bytes)

While the model is still selected, push the down arrow on the modifier panel so that the Ytran spinner dial is shown. Move the dial with your mouse so that it reads around .570 to .590. You may have to render a couple of times in between setting to get the Y tran setting correct.

posplace3.JPG (27222 bytes)

Now switch camera's to either the left or right side view and adjust the ztran setting so that the model is beyond the edge of the skull. Render and make sure you can't see the skull sticking through the hair.

Once your satified (after a few renders from different angles) that your model is placed correctly, make sure your model is selected, go to EDIT/PROPERTIES and the following box will apear.........

posplace4.JPG (21462 bytes)

Select 'Set Parent' and choose HEAD in the selection set that appears. Answer OK to exit and that's it!

Your model is now attached to your figure and you can pose it all day and not lose your orientation. Remeber if you have more props to apply to repeat the procedure with them before you pose. One thing that I've found handy, if you have the disk space, is to save the figure right after you've attached the hair. Save them as.......femwhair1, femwhair2,.....etc...... that way when you need them again you don't have to go through re-adjusting the hair again, just load up the correct model.

Them only time I actually use the mouse on the active part of the screen is to adjust the posing camera angles. It is just to un-predictable to use for the other parts.posplace5.JPG (7003 bytes)

Learning to use the spinners in the modifier box can make using poser alot easier. Take a little time to experiment and I think you'll feel the same.


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